Wednesday from 7pm-8pm
This is a great class for flyers and potential flyers!
Skills to be learned include:
Safety: proper ways to come down/fall
Balance: Become comfortable in the air on both the left and right foot
Flexibility: Learn ways to stretch for scorpions, bows and arrows, scales and arabesques (individual and partner stretching). Also learn the proper ways to pull and hold stretches.
All around technique for stunts ranging from beginner to advanced:
Learn to “feel lighter” and feel more comfortable in the air
Learn to save stunts instead of coming down
Tick tocks, full ups, switch ups, high to highs
Full downs, double downs, and other dismounts
Basket tosses: toe touch, pike, full, double, kick full, kick double and hitch kicks
The flyer classes are scheduled on a month-to-month basis.
Please email for days and times.